Thursday, May 24, 2007

Second Life

Second Life is a most interesting place. Some people, it is said, become quite taken with it, so much so that they have the same emotions and reactions as a first life. For me, I prefer something more tangible - the trees, flowers and birds and the sound and feel of the surf.

As for a library environment, I can imagine we could create exactly what we have now if we so wished, even the fact that we live on an island. Seems a bit depressing though. I suspect if the university had a presence in second life similar to the real world, then we would be obliged to folleow and provide the services required.

Not only would our libraries be providing a physical comunity hub on campus, but in second life as well. I would like to choose the seating. We seem to have done quite well with that aspect at Joondalup.

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