Sunday, July 8, 2007

Web 2.0 Awards

Hi All
I tried to get an award image for this entry, but it was taking too long, so no picture. I found the award site most interesting as it gave a very good indication of what social networking is all about. I didn't find some of the sites very appealing, but then that is ok.

Libraries need to keep an eye on moblile technology developments such as twitter, as a possible distribution platform for services.

these award winners were firmly based in social networking. I liked the service that posed the question: what are you doing? Many of the answers were in foreign languages unfortunately.

Collaborative writing and word processing site has potential. It could be quite handy to use when jointly writing a paper.

some sites rate quite low on usefulness, such as fuzzmail. Why would anyones friends want to see all the corrections and typos in real time when writing to them.

I need to chse up more info on widgets as they sound like a great idea. You can insert a translator widget into your site which will convert it to one of about six different languages.

I recommend everyone take a look at the awards as they give you a flavour of Web 2.0. Particulalry interesting are all the site names. Well onto Youtube for my next assignment and some more fun. I shall be investigating some folk music videos I have been told about and also the library ones of course.

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