Thursday, November 1, 2007

Evolving Librarian Symposium

Well here I am again, with my 15 minutes a day gone out of the window. since my last report, Julia and I have presented a paper at the Evolving Librarian conference in Darwin. The accomodation was first rate, as can be seen from the photos of the pool. We spent the late afternoon sipping mango drinks overlooking the water, which was a nice way to wind down after the hard work networking all day.

The symposium covered a range of topics dealing with changes in the library work place. Our symposium paper, Evolving and Changing with Workplace ELearning: 23 ways your staff can grow, was well received. We were pleased that there were a number of questions. The two keynote speakers papers provided useful background to the current work environment.

Roxanne Missingham, current President of ALIA and Parliamentary Librarian spoke about work trends and the need to change the way we employ staff to ensure that we retain professional expertise in the workplace.Gillian Hallam spoke of her research on library staff in the workplace and provided some interesting statistics on levels and age of staff ect.

A paper from staff at Charles Darwin University on podcasts is worth noting, particularly the introduction where they recorded a definition of a podcast to begin the talk. Some other notable topics covered teaching referencing to primary school children and teacching Web 2.0 technologies in the school environment.The papers should be going on the ALIA website soon.

For photos from the conference, checkTop End Tales; a Photo Blog of Stephen Michael Barnett, now working in Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia. Its a grab bag of things, personal interests ect illustrated with my digitial photos. Friday, October 05, 2007: 5th ALIA Top end Symposium - e-vovlingeducation

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